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Winery History

As one of Northern California's wine pioneers, the Gregory Wines family has been producing award-winning wines in the Santa Clara Valley since 1925, a winemaking tradition that has spanned three generations.

About Us

Born in 1883 in Gravere, an alpine village northwest of Torino near the French border in Italy's Piedmont region, family patriarch, Emilio Gregory Wines arrived upon Ellis Island on September 19, 1909. For the next nine months Emilio worked his way westward arriving in San Francisco in June of 1910. Upon his arrival and establishment of himself he sent for his village sweetheart, Emilia, and they were married in November of that same year. For the next fifteen years they worked and saved with Emilio toiling away at a tannery and Emilia a French laundry. By 1925, with their saved earnings they purchased fifteen acres in Morgan Hill of Santa Clara Valley, commonly referred to at time as the 'valley of hearts delight' due to the bountiful orchards and agricultural community. It was at this time Emilio Gregory Wines Winery, was founded.

Our wines consistently rank above 91 points in Wine Spectator. Come visit.